One of the greatest lessons we’ve learned as we’ve started our own small business is that YOU ARE YOUR BUSINESS. So, who are you? Your business is a direct reflection of what you choose and what you don’t choose. These specific distinctions that define who you are and what you stand for are your business’s purpose; your vision and your mission. I find that these questions are often difficult for people to put into words. We as small business owners have so many crazy thoughts, ideas, questions, and dreams, that it can easily feel overwhelming and I find that these questions are often difficult for people to put into words. We as small business owners have so many crazy thoughts, ideas, questions, and dreams, that it can easily feel overwhelming and lacking of any productive direction.
By defining your purpose, you provide the creative clarity and confidence that you need to be successful and move forward in a clear direction.
Think hard about your WHO, WHAT, WHY, and HOW. The answers might come quickly for some people, and for others, they will be more difficult. But it is all about your personal process. These aren’t supposed to be easy questions.
“If it was easy, it would be an insult to your creativity.”
– Regina
These will take time, wine, trial, and error. So get cozy, creative, and contemplative as you explore and discover the golden nuggets of awesomeness that make you, you. Let’s begin:
You are your business, but who is your business for? Who is your audience? Who are you trying to help? Who do you hope to influence through your products or services? This should be a specific person or group of people who are all connected through a common goal or purpose?
What do you aim to do? What is your purpose? What do you focus on? What are you trying to accomplish with your business? This should be specific, and targeted directly to the individuals of your “who”.
How do you do what you do? How do you accomplish your what? How do you deliver your products and services to your who? Think action words, verbs. Physical and mental actions. Think of as many as you can and then go back through each one and select the ones that best complement your what.
Why do you do what you do? Why is this important? Why is it important to you, but most importantly why is it important to your clients? And why should people trust you to help them?
You are your business. So, who are you?
Free Resource!
Download this FREE Brand Development Workbook. In a series of 8 brand developing lessons, questionnaires, worksheets, reading materials, and creative process guides, you will explore, discover and define who you are and what you stand for – thereby helping you gain the clarity and creative confidence you need to support your brand and the growth of your business.
From brand beginnings to brand expansion, in this 63-page digital workbook, you’ll focus on creating a brand that feels, sounds, and acts just like you. Download your workbook and begin your brand journey today.

Finally, tie them all together. Look at each answer and see how it relates to the others. Visualize the story that they tell through their answers. This will be the you that your audience will identify with through your brand and business.
Write them down, say them out loud, and say them often. The more you say it, the easier it gets to say. The easier it gets to say, the easier it gets to hear. The easier it is to hear, the easier it is to believe. And when you believe in yourself, so will your clients.
Keep these questions accessible and refer to them often. Update them as you and your business grows and expands. And above all, believe in you. You are your business.
If you find this worksheet helpful, please share with friend and family who might find clarity in it as well.